Publication Type Journal Article
Title Quantification of metal-acid balance in hydroisomerization catalysts: A step further toward catalyst design
Authors Pedro S. F. Mendes J M Silva Filipa Ribeiro Pascal Duchene Antoine Daudin Christophe Bouchy
Year 2017
Month July
Volume 63
Number 7
Pages 2864-2875
Abstract A methodology was developed to interpret the results of n-paraffins hydroisomerization over bifunctional catalysts based on two simple kinetic models used consecutively. First, a macrokinetic model was used to obtain the corresponding turnover frequency over the acid sites and the maximum of C-16 isomer yield. Second, a dual-function model was used to correlate these catalytic descriptors to the ratio of metal to acid sites of the catalyst. To illustrate the methodology, Pt/HBEA and Pt/HUSY catalysts with different Pt loadings were evaluated. The impact of metal-acid balance on the catalytic turnover frequency and the maximal C-16 isomer yield were adequately captured for the bifunctional HUSY and HBEA catalysts. Moreover, the parameters of the dual-function model revealed to be intrinsic to the catalytic properties of the zeolite under the scope. This methodology is believed to be of interest for information-driven catalyst design for the hydroisomerization of n-paraffins. (c) 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 63: 2864-2875, 2017
Publisher WILEY
Book Title
ISSN 0001-1541
EISSN 1547-5905
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000402909600030
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