Publication Type Journal Article
Title Synthesis and catalytic activity of camphor titanium complexes
Authors M Fernanda NN Carvalho Adelino M. Galvão Jana Kredatusova Jan Merna Pedro F. Pinheiro M. Margarida Salema
Groups BioMol
Year 2012
Month March
Volume 383
Pages 244-249
Abstract Three new camphor-titanium complexes [TiClCp2L] (L = L-1, (1); L-2, (2) and (LH)-L-3 (3)) were obtained through replacement of one chloride by a camphor-type ligand ((LH)-L-1, (LH)-L-2, (LH2)-L-3 (3)) at the coordination sphere of [TiCl2Cp2]. Complexes 1 and 2 were structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction analysis showing that coordination occurs through the oxygen atom of the hydroxo group (1) with cooperative coordination of the nitrogen atom of the oxime complex in 2. Upon activation with MAO complexes 1 and 2 promote ethylene polymerization and ethylene/norbornene co-polymerization while compound 3 displays no catalytic activity for either one or the other process. At 50 degrees C the catalytic activity complex of 2 (852 kg(PE) mol (1) h (1)) for ethylene polymerization is higher than that of compound 1 (668 kg(PE) mol (1) h (1)) which is similar to that of [TiCl2Cp2] (670 kg PE mol (1) h (1)). The catalytic activity of complex 1 displays a higher dependence on the temperature than that of compound 2 which is attributed to the strength of the Ti-O bond that renders generation of the active site more difficult in 1. Compounds 1 and 2 are also active catalysts for co-polymerization of ethylene with norbornene affording copolymers with approximately 15 mol\% of norbornene content. The microstructures of the polyethylenes and ethylene norbornene co-polymers were checked by NMR and their melting points were measured by DSC. (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
Book Title
ISSN 0020-1693
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000300623600038
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