Publication Type Journal Article
Title Variations in the molecularity of bis(formylpyrrolyl) cobalt(II) complexes
Authors Tiago F. C. Cruz Pedro M. M. Machado Clara S. B. Gomes Laura C. J. Pereira Pedro T. Gomes
Groups IOARC
Year 2018
Month June
Volume 478
Pages 118-124
Abstract This work aims to extend the coordination chemistry of Co(II) with bis(2-formylpyrrolyl) ligands to different donor molecules. Treatment of a mixture of anhydrous CoCl2 and excess of pyridine in THF with two equivalents of sodium 2-formylpyrrolyl gives rise to complex [Co\(KN)-N-2, O-NC4H3-C(H)=O\(2)(Py)(2)] (1) in good yields, after standard work-up procedures. By contrast, the reaction of two equivalents of sodium 2-formylpyrrolyl with anhydrous CoCl2 in neat THF or MeCN solutions systematically led, after standard work-up, to the identification of the tetrameric complex [C\(KN)-N-2, O-NC4H3-C(H)=O](2)](4) (2) and other unknown contaminations. Analytically pure samples of complex 2 were only prepared when the synthesis reaction was performed in toluene at 90 degrees C. Complexes 1 and 2 are paramagnetic and were characterized by elemental analysis, magnetic susceptibility measurements (Evans method) and X-ray diffraction. Complex 1 is a hexacoordinated octahedral complex with a low-spin (S = 1/2) electronic configuration. On the other hand, the tetrameric complex 2 results from the self-assembling of the elusive and highly unsaturated complex [Co\(KN)-N-2, O-NC4H3-C(H)=O](2)] giving rise to a tetranuclear distorted cubane structure, comprising two hexacoordinated octahedral and two pentacoordinated trigonal bipyramidal Co(II) centers. Complex 2 revealed an overall high-spin (S = 3/2 per Co center) nature, as suggested in solution by the Evans method and in the solid state by SQUID magnetometry. (C) 2018 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
Book Title
ISSN 0020-1693
EISSN 1873-3255
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000430989200015
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