Publication Type Journal Article
Title Metal and nutrient dynamics in a eutrophic coastal lagoon (A bidos, Portugal): the importance of observations at different time scales
Authors Patricia Pereira Hilda de Pablo Carlos Vale Frederico Rosa-Santos Rute Cesário
Year 2009
Month November
Volume 158
Number 1
Pages 405-418
Abstract Water and sediment quality was monitored at four sites of A bidos coastal lagoon (Portugal) in February, May, July and October 2006, covering different hydrological conditions. Concentrations of nutrients and metals increased in autumn/winter, particularly in an inner branch with symptoms of eutrophication that receives a small tributary contaminated by agro-industrial activities. Moreover, concentrations of PO4 (3-), Si(OH)(4) and Mn (diffusive gradients of thin films (DGT)-measured) varied inversely with salinity. Additionally, that branch was monitored over 26-h in July 2006 to assess variations of water quality parameters, nutrients and metals on short timescale. During the night, O-2 in water reached a minimum of 40\% saturation followed by a pronounced increase of DGT-measured metals and nutrients in water column: Fe and Mn (ten times); Cr, Co, PO4 (3-) and Si(OH)(4) (six times). Enhancements were also registered for metal/Al ratios in suspended particulate matter: Mn, Cr and Cd (four to six times); Fe, Ni and Co (1.5 times). The metal distribution coefficients calculated along the 26-h survey showed a maximum at daylight suggesting a preferential association of metals with suspended particles. Data recorded under different hydrological conditions and over the 26-h survey allowed to address the influence of external and internal sources on water quality. The results of this study highlight the importance of day/night cycles on the availability of nutrients and metals in eutrophic environments.
Book Title
ISSN 0167-6369
EISSN 1573-2959
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000271670200034
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