Publication Type Journal Article
Title Manganese complexes with chelating and bridging di-triazolylidene ligands: synthesis and reactivity
Authors Sofia Friaes Sara Realista Clara S. B. Gomes Paulo N. Martinho Luis F. Veiros Martin Albrecht Beatriz Royo
Groups IOARC
Year 2021
Month May
Volume 50
Number 17
Pages 5911-5920
Abstract New manganese complexes bearing di-triazolylidene (di-trz) ligands are described. Depending on the wingtip substituents of the triazolylidene ligand and the synthetic procedure, two different ligand coordination modes were observed, i.e, bridging and chelating. A series of Mn(i) complexes of the general type fac-[Mn(di-trz(R))(CO)(3)Br] (R = Me, Et, Mes) with a chelating di-trz ligand were prepared via Ag-transmetalation. In contrast, the in situ deprotonation of the triazolium salts with KOBut yielded the bimetallic Mn(0) complexes [Mn-2(CO)(8)(mu-di-trz(R))] with a bridging di-trz ligand when short alkyl chains (Me, Et, i-Pr) are present as the N1 substituents of the triazolylidene ligand. The molecular structures of monometallic and bimetallic complexes were determined by X-ray diffraction studies. In addition, the cationic fac-[Mn(di-trz(Et))(CO)(2)(PPh3)(2)]Br complex, a rare example of a dicarbonyl Mn(i) N-heterocyclic carbene, was obtained when fac-[Mn(di-trz(Et))(CO)(3)Br] was irradiated with visible light in the presence of PPh3. The crystal structure revealed a slightly distorted octahedral geometry around the Mn(i) centre, with the chelating di-triazolylidene ligand situated in trans position to the two CO ligands in the equatorial plane, and the two phosphine ligands occupying the axial positions. Cyclic voltammetry studies show reversible redox processes for the monometallic Mn(i) complexes, and a quasi-reversible EC mechanism for the oxidation of the bimetallic complexes. Infrared spectroelectrochemical studies along with DFT calculations for fac-[Mn(di-trz(Et))(CO)(3)Br] suggest that the observed two consecutive reductions both occur at the metal centre.
Book Title
ISSN 1477-9226
EISSN 1477-9234
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000639945200001
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