Most cited scientists

Stanford University released a list at the end of last year of the world's most cited top scientists in various scientific areas (top 2%). Portugal is represented with 385 scientists affiliated with Portuguese institutions, 104 are professionals affiliated with ULisboa colleges or institutes. Of these 13 are from CQE. CQE congratulates Alda Simões, Alexander Kirilov, Amélia Santos, Armando Pombeiro, Carlos Castro, Fátima Montemor, Isabel Marrucho, João Costa Pessoa, José Manuel Nogueira, José Nuno Canongia, Luís Veiros, Maxim Kuznetsov and Rui Almeida. We hope that this list will be extended in the coming years, with the excellent work currently underway.

Another list focused only on the impact throughout the year 2019. Here three other CQE researchers were also recognized: Kamran T. Mahmudov, Luísa M. Martins and Manas Sutradhar. Congratulations!

The list of leading scientists can be consulted free of charge at Mendeley


Published/edited: 10/02/2021