Publication Type Journal Article
Title Sphingolipid hydroxylation in mammals, yeast and plants - An integrated view
Authors J. M. T. Marquês H. Susana Marinho R. F. M. de Almeida
Groups BioMol MPPM
Year 2018
Month July
Volume 71
Pages 18-42
Abstract This review is focused on sphingolipid backbone hydroxylation, a small but widespread structural feature with profound impact on membrane biophysical properties. We start by summarizing sphingolipid metabolism in mammalian cells, yeast and plants, focusing on how distinct hydroxylation patterns emerge in different eukaryotic kingdoms. Then, a comparison of the biophysical properties in membrane model systems and cellular membranes from diverse organisms is made. From an integrative perspective, these results can be rationalized considering that superficial hydroxyl groups in the backbone of sphingolipids (by intervening in the H-bond network) alter the balance of favorable interactions between membrane lipids. They may strengthen the bonding or compete with other hydroxyl groups, in particular the one of membrane sterols. Different sphingolipid hydroxylation patterns can stabilize/disrupt specific membrane domains or change whole plasma membrane properties, and therefore be important in the control of protein distribution, function and lateral diffusion and in the formation and overtime stability of signaling platforms. The recent examples explored throughout this review unveil a potentially key role for sphingolipid backbone hydroxylation in both physiological and pathological situations, as it can be of extreme importance for the proper organization of cell membranes in mammalian cells, yeast and, most likely, also in plants.
Book Title
ISSN 0163-7827
EISSN 1873-2194
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000442709400002
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