Publication Type Journal Article
Title Synthesis and Catalytic Reactivity of Cobalt Pincer Nitrosyl Hydride Complexes
Authors Jan Pecak Sarah Fleissner Luis F. Veiros Ernst Pittenauer Berthold Stoger Karl Kirchner
Groups IOARC
Year 2021
Month January
Volume 40
Number 2
Pages 278-285
Abstract The synthesis, characterization, and catalytic activity of low-spin \CoNO\(8) pincer complexes of the type [Co(PCP)(NO)(H)] are described. These compounds are obtained either by reacting [Co(PCP)(kappa(2)-BH4)] with NO and Et3N or, alternatively, by reacting [Co(PCP)(NO)](+) with boranes, such as NH3 center dot BH3 in solution. The fivecoordinate, diamagnetic Co(III) complex [Co(PCPNMe-iPr)(NO)(H)] was found to be the active species in the hydroboration of alkenes with anti-Markovnikov selectivity. A range of aromatic and aliphatic alkenes were efficiently converted with pinacolborane (HBpin) under mild conditions in good to excellent yield. Mechanistic insight into the catalytic reaction is provided by means of isotope labeling, NMR spectroscopy, and APCl/ESI-MS as well as DFT calculations.
Book Title
ISSN 0276-7333
EISSN 1520-6041
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000613724300018
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