Publication Type Journal Article
Title Diamine Bis(phenolate) M(III) (Y, Ti) Complexes: Synthesis, Structures, and Reactivity
Authors Sonia Barroso Jinlan Cui José M. Carretas Adelaide Cruz Isabel Cordeiro Santos M. Teresa Duarte J. P. Telo Noemia Marques Ana M. Martins
Groups BioMol IOARC
Year 2009
Month June
Volume 28
Number 12
Pages 3449-3458
Abstract Reactions of titanium and yttrium trichlorides with 1 equiv of the sodium or potassium salts of the diamine bis(phenolate) (H2O2NN)-O-tBu2 (Me2NCH2CH2-(CH2-2-HO-3,5-(C6H2Bu2)-Bu-t)(2)) led to formation of [TiCl((O2NN)-O-tBu2 )(L)] (L = THF, 1; py, 2) and [YCl((O2NN)-O-tBu2 )(DME)], 3. Reactions of I or 3 with MCH2-(2-NMe2)C6H4 and with M[2-(CH2NMe2)C6H4] (M = Li, K) led to [Ti((O2NN)-O-tBu2 )(kappa(2)-(CH2C6H4NMe2))], 5, [Y((O2NN)-O-tBu2 )(kappa(2)-(CH2C6H4NMe2))], 6, and [Y((O2NN)-O-tBu2 )(kappa(2)-(C6H4CH2NMe2))], 7. [Y((O2NN)-O-tBu2 )N(SiMe3)(2)],4, was obtained from 3 and KN(SiMe3)(2), whereas [(Y((O2NN)-O-tBu2 )(CHSiMe3))(2)(mu(4)-O)(mu(3)-Li)(2)], 8, formed from reaction of 3 and LiCH2SiMe3. The reaction of 7 with I equiv of CH3CN gave [Y((O2NN)-O-tBu2 )(NC(CH3)C6H4CHNMe2)], 10, which displays a chelating ketimide ligand formed by nitrile insertion in the Y-Ph bond. Further reaction with CH3CN led to [Y((O2NN)-O-tBu2 )(kappa(2)- (N(H)C(CH3)C(H)C(C6H4CH2NMe2)N(H)], 9, the formation of which involves an imme-enamme tautomerism followed by a second nitrile insertion and 1,3-hydrogen shift. The reaction of I with CH3CN gave [TiCl((O2NN)-O-tBu2 )(NCCH3)], which upon heating converts to a new paramagnetic species that is likely a chloride-bridged Ti(III) dimer. The EPR study performed reveals that bis(phenolate) Ti(III) complexes do not promote nitrile coupling reactions by electron transfer. The solid state molecular structures of 1-9 revealed that in all the complexes the bis(phenolate) ligand is coordinated to the metal center by the two oxygen atoms and the two nitrogen atoms with trans phenolate arrangement.
Book Title
ISSN 0276-7333
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Bibtex ID ISI:000267020700015
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