Publication Type Journal Article
Title Etchability Dependence of InOx and ITO Thin Films by Plasma Enhanced Reactive Thermal Evaporation on Structural Properties and Deposition Conditions
Authors Ana Amaral G. Lavareda C. Nunes de Carvalho Vânia André Yuri Vygranenko M. Fernandes Pedro Brogueira
Groups BioMol
Year 2018
Notice: Undefined index: in /afs/ on line 163
Volume 3
Number 4
Pages 207-212
Abstract Indium oxide (InOx) and indium tin oxide (ITO) thin films were deposited on glass substrates hi plasma enhanced reactive thermal evaporation (PERTH) at different substrate temperatures. The films Were then submitted to two etching solutions with different chemical reactivity: at mom temperature: HCl (35\%): (40 degrees Be) FeCl3 (1.1), at 40 degrees C. The dependence of the etchability of the A/um on the structural and deposition conditions is discussed. Previously to etching, sulictural chaILICIeitZ(:itiOn W CIS made. Al-Fay diffraction Showed the of a peak (mound 2 theta=31 degrees as the deposition temperature increases from room tempersiture to 190 degrees C, both for ITO and InO. tiElti surface topography and Phi micrographs of the deposited films are consistent with the structural properties suggested by X-ray spectra: as the deposition temperature increaSeS, the my/hue changes fi a finely grained structure to a material with a Luger-sized grain or/and agglomerate structure qf the.
Book Title
ISSN 2059-8521
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000427823300004
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