Publication Type Journal Article
Title Microdroplet formation of water and nanofluids in heat-induced microfluidic T-junction
Authors SMS Murshed Say Hwa Tan Nam Trung Nguyen Teck Neng Wong Levent Yobas
Groups MTFT
Year 2009
Month February
Volume 6
Number 2
Pages 253-259
Abstract This paper reports experimental investigations on the droplet formation and size manipulation of deionized water (DIW) and nanofluids in a microfluidic T-junction at different temperatures. Investigations of the effect of microchannel depths on the droplet formation process showed that the smaller the depth of the channel the larger the increase of droplet size with temperature. Sample nanofluids were prepared by dispersing 0.1 volume percentage of titanium dioxide (TiO(2)) nanoparticles of 15 nm and 10 nm x 40 nm in DIW for their droplet formation experiments. The heater temperature also affects the droplet formation process. Present results demonstrate that nanofluids exhibit different characteristics in droplet formation with the temperature. Addition of spherical-shaped TiO(2) (15 nm) nanoparticles in DIW results in much smaller droplet size compared to the cylindrical-shaped TiO(2) (10 nm x 40 nm) nanoparticles. Besides changing the interfacial properties of based fluid, nanoparticles can influence the droplet formation of nanofluids by introducing interfacial slip at the interface. Other than nanofluid with cylindrical-shaped nanoparticles, the droplet size was found to increase with increasing temperature.
Book Title
ISSN 1613-4982
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000262829800009
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